GEOPS: A Leader In Exploration

GEOPS: A Leader In Exploration

No unachievable projects for us from a technical perspective Vasil Andreev, Founder, Owner and CEO of GEOPS Balkan Drilling Services, spoke in an interview for CorD about Company’s success in Serbia and other markets “Over the 15 years that GEOPS has been...
GEOPS Sponsors International Marathon Race

GEOPS Sponsors International Marathon Race

GEOPS Sponsors International Marathon Race International ultramarathon “K3 Ultra” took place in the southernmost city of Bulgaria – Zlatograd, and our Company proudly supported this positive event. GEOPS keeps its tradition of supporting positive events that...

ПОЛИТИКА ЗА ЗАЩИТА НА ЛИЧНИТЕ ДАННИ „ГЕОПС – Болкан Дрилинг Сървисис“ ЕООД (Дружеството), вписано в Търговския регистър към Агенцията по вписванията с ЕИК: 115827779, със седалище и адрес на управление: гр. Асеновград, п.к. 4230, ул. „Захария“ № 105, web:...